research at susan's farm

Here at Susan's Farm we are involved in many different types of research projects that are important to finding a sustainable future for farming.


We aim to always improve our practices and make sure that we are doing what is best and right for the nature and livestock that call Susan's Farm home.

why is it important?

Research will always be the most important part in finding new ways in which we can help the environment and keep the farm running.


It encourages younger generations to expand their knowledge and to push forward into thinking outside the box when it comes to finding new methods of how to improve farming and keeping our environment clean.

what research is being done?

There are many different research projects happening at the farm. 


Click on the green boxes on the right hand side of the page for more infomation

who conducts our research?

We have many different people who visit the farm to conduct research, including staff, work placement students and academic researchers.


They research many different things including the people who use the farm, the wildlife that inhabit it and the environment itself.


We encourage everyone to be a researcher! Look at our Citizen Science Projects to see how you can become involved.